Ouagadougou, 15 February 2011. On 17 February in Ouagadougou, ADEA and the government of Burkina Faso will launch the process of preparation for the 2011 Triennale on Education and Training in Burkina Faso The day's activities, under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, will include a seminar followed by an official launch ceremony.
The Triennale, organized by ADEA in collaboration with Burkina Faso's Ministry of Education and Literacy, will be held this year in Ouagadougou, from 27 November to 2 December 2011. It will explore the following theme: "Promoting Critical Knowledge, Skills and Qualifications for the Sustainable Development of Africa: How to Design and Implement an Effective Response by Education and Training Systems".
The purpose of the launch, with the Triennale some ten months away, is to inform the public and all stakeholders in Burkina Faso's development and to enable the country to take up the theme and consider it in conjunction with, and in the light of, its new development strategy, the Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCADD). The launch will bring together representatives of a broad spectrum of Burkina Faso's society, with the aim of initiating a process of in-depth reflection and national consultation on the development of human capital, a national priority that is reflected in the SCADD.
The launch will be attended by numerous members of the government and representatives of both national and sub-regional institutions. Extensive participation by Burkina Faso's society is also expected, including representatives of the private sector, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, social and professional organizations, the National Assembly, civil society organizations, unions and youth organizations. Also attending will be technical and financial partners, NGOs and other stakeholders in development.
The Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, Mr. Tertius Zongo, will pronounce the official launch. The list of speakers includes the ADEA Executive Secretary, Mr. Ahlin Byll- Cataria, and representatives of the National Youth Council, the Consultation Framework for NGOs and Associations Active in Basic Education (CCEB), the private sector, and technical and financial partners.
The Triennale (formerly Biennale) on Education and Training in Africa, organized by ADEA, is the world's leading event on education in Africa, in terms of both
attendance – more than 600 people participated in the last Biennale in Maputo, including sixty African ministers – and the content of the proceedings, which are based on extensive research and consultation by and among stakeholders in education and training.
The previous Biennales organized by ADEA, held in France, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Mauritius, Gabon and Mozambique, explored the following themes:
- Improving the Implementation of Education Projects in Africa through Ownership (1993, Angers, France)
- Formulating Educational Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa (1995, Tours, France)
- Partnerships for Capacity Building and Quality Improvements in Education (1997, Dakar, Senegal)
- What Works and What's New in Education: Africa Speaks!(1999, Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Reaching Out, Reaching All– Sustaining Effective Policy and Practice for Education in Africa (2001, Arusha, Tanzania)
- The Quest for Quality – Learning from the African Experience (2003, Grand Baie, Mauritius)
- More and Better Education: What Makes Effective Learning in Schools and in Literacy and Early Childhood Development Programs? (2006, Libreville, Gabon)
- Beyond Primary Education: Challenges of and Approaches to Expanding Learning Opportunities in Africa (2008, Maputo, Mozambique)
The 2011 Triennale, on education and training for sustainable development, will pursue and extend the policy dialogue initiated in previous Biennales, particularly the 2008 Biennale in Maputo on the theme of post-primary education.
Press contacts:
- Thanh-Hoa Desruelles, External Relations and Communication, ADEA,t.desruelles@afdb.org, Tel. in Tunis: +216/ 21 69 11 46, Tel. in Ouagadougou: +226/ 75 70 41 20
- Mr. Gueswinde Kinda, Communication Director, Ministry of Education and Literacy, Burkina Faso, agueswinde@yahoo.fr, Tel. in Ouagadougou: +226/ 70 28 39 59
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