
Press Conference

Official Closing Ceremony & the commitment to an African Education Fund

Main outcomes from discussions at the Triennale and Roadmap for the next steps

Ministerial Roundtable: Perspectives and Agreed Plan of Action of the Triennale

Plenary Session: Mechanism for funding Education, a global public good

Presentation of reports from 4 parallel sessions

Plenary Session: Higher Education and STEM

Ministerial Roundtable: Quality Education for all and at all levels

Official Opening Ceremony and Presidential Roundtable

Sub-Theme 2 (ST2): Promoting Science, Mathematics and ICT

Plenary Session: Adult Education and lifelong learning for all

Plenary Session: Skills Development, Youth Employability, Entrepreneurship and Decent Work for all

Ministerial Roundtable: Implementation Priorities in Education in Africa

Plenary Session: Global and continental frameworks for education reforms: Setting the stage for discourse at the Triennale

ADEA 2017 Triennale Highlights

Atmosphere in the reading tent

Didier Drogba (Promo)



A Conversation with Alice Albright about GPE's Relationship with ADEA

S.E. M. Jean Martin Coulibaly, Ministre de l'Education Nationale, Burkina Faso

S.E. Mme Kandia Camara, Ministre de l'Éducation Nationale et de l'Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle, Côte d'Ivoire

S.E. Mme Kandia Camara, Alliance Mondiale pour l'Alphabétisation

Jennifer Blanke, Vice-présidente, BAD

Gwang Chol Chang, Directeur, Bureau UNESCO Dakar

Jerôme Morrissey, CEO, GESCI

Alfred Zebi, La Fondation Didier Drogba

Alain Hema, Paroles croisées au Burkina Faso

Mamadou Ndoye, Coordinateur général de la Triennale

Najib Rhiati Salih, ISESCO

Jim Teicher, Cyber Smart