Organiser: ADEA

Topic: Country priority needs assessment for capacity development

Title: Understanding the areas where Ministries of Education need capacity strengthening the most. 

Date: Wednesday, 19th October 2022

Time: 17:15 PM – 18:45 PM Mauritius time (GMT+4)

Venue: Le Méridien Île Maurice

Storyline: ADEA continues to tailor its support in tandem with the needs and priorities of its member countries. Based on the COVID-19 pandemic experience, ADEA and other education actors recognize the support needed by African Ministries of Education, including rethinking their policies, systems and practices towards sustained education sector reform, disaster preparedness, ICT and remote education delivery, curriculum and assessment reforms and resilience to crises. This session explores the process of establishing the priority needs of African countries for capacity strengthening, spread across the African Union’s Regional Economic Communities (RECs).

Objective: To engage countries in identifying key priority needs of Ministry of Education officials in African countries for capacity strengthening (including training) focusing on cross-cutting skills and competencies.

Expected outcome: The outcome is expected to inform targeted interventions in these countries to sustain efforts aimed at improving the resilience of their educational systems to future crises.

Moderator: Albert Nsengiyumva, ADEA Executive Secretary

Rapporteur: ADEA Secretariat

Format: Café

  • Short ADEA presentation
  • Table audience engagement