Wednesday, 15th March 2017
Invitees Arrive |
Master of Ceremony: Mr. Eric CHINJE |
08:00 - 08:30 |
Welcoming of Invitees |
H.E. Professor Mary Teuw NIANE, Hon. Minister of Higher Education and Research, Senegal, welcomes invitees |
08:30 - 08:45 |
Welcome Remarks |
H.E. Professor Dr. Ashraf EL SHIHY, Hon. Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt, Chairperson of the African Union (AU) STC-EST and Chairperson of ADEA Steering Committee |
08:45 - 09:00 |
Program for the Triennale |
Ms. Oley DIBBA-WADDA, ADEA Executive Secretary |
09:00 - 10:15 |
Plenary Session: Global and continental frameworks for education reforms: Setting the stage for discourse at the Triennale |
Storyline: The Session will focus on the post-2015 global and continental frameworks which constitute the basis for the Triennale. The first is the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – which consists of 17 new sustainable development goals (SDGs). SDG No.4 aims at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. The framework adopts a holistic approach and aims at transforming the world by 2030. The second basis for the Triennale is the Africa’s Agenda 2063 - with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25); both are integrated in Global Agenda 2030 with a specific approach for Africa. These core frameworks stress the importance strengthening education access, equity and quality in Africa. The key issues that speakers will be expected to address include: (i) How does the current Triennale reinforce the need for endogenous transformation in education and training systems, as endorsed by African Heads of State in the last Triennale in 2012?; (ii) How will SDG 4 of the global agenda catalyze the achievement of sustainable development in Africa?; (iii) What is the vital linkage between education and other sustainable development goals?; and (iii) How will Agenda 2063 and CESA (16-25) be implemented to promote science and technology; develop critical knowledge and skills; and drive innovation and youth entrepreneurship? Objective: The objective of this session is to set the stage for education and other development stakeholders to understand that in this Triennale, the discourse will focus on how to implement the sustainable development goals and aspirations outlined in the post-2015 global and continental frameworks. Expected outcome: The expected outcome is a mutual understanding of the global and continental post-2015 frameworks, and how they are linked to both the 2012 Triennale and the current continent policy dialogue. |
Moderator: Dr. Peter MATERU, Chairperson of ADEA Executive Committee Rapporteur: TBD Panelists:
10:15 - 10:30 |
Health Break |
10:30 - 12:00 |
Ministerial Roundtable: Implementation Priorities in Education in Africa |
Storyline: The global and continental agendas aimed at changing the world. The theme of the Triennale focuses on how the educational components of these agendas can be successfully implemented. Africa’s agenda 2063 is about revolutionizing education by giving priority science, technology and innovation; it is about Africans being confident in their potentials and developing a strong African identity rooted in their language, history and culture. Speakers in this session would be expected to (i) outline their country’s five implementation priorities in education, science and technology within the Africa Agenda 2063 and CESA; (ii) their implementation strategies and policy approaches for revolutionizing the education system bearing in mind that education has to be integrated with other development sectors; and (iii) implementation strategies for dealing with the twin challenge of equity and quality which are at the heart of transformation. Objective: The objective is for Ministers to highlight what they consider as implementation priorities and direct focus to such areas during dialogue at the Triennale, and in post-Triennale follow-up. Expected outcome: The expected outcome is that participants are duly guided in focusing discussions on implementation priorities that will culminate in the adoption of a realistic plan of action. |
Parallel Session - Group A Moderator: H.E. Dr. Martial De-Paul IKOUNGA, African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology Rapporteur: TBD Panelists:
Parallel Session - Group B Moderator: Ms. Ann Therese NDONG-JATTA, Director, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Rapporteur: TBD Panelists:
12:00 - 13:00 |
Plenary Session: Key messages from stakeholder consultations and lessons learned from analytical work on the Triennale sub-themes 1, 2, 3 and 4 |
Storyline: Stakeholders’ consultations were held in the five regions of the African continent. Key messages emerged from the consultations. Presentations were made and there were interesting discussions, new ideas and lessons learned from successful implementation of programs, which can inform the way forward. The key focus of the speakers will be: key messages that emerged from the f stakeholders’ consultations, online consultations and analytical work on each sub-theme; challenges which countries face in implementing education reforms; and lessons learned from successful implementation that can be replicated or scaled-up. Objective: The objective is to present a synthesis of key successful practices and lessons learned from different national cases studies, research reports and presentations at various consultation forums. Expected outcome: The expected outcome is that participants are duly informed and guided in focusing discussions on key pragmatic and critical implementation issues and prospects that will enable member countries to reflect on and propose salient strategic directions and action plans. |
Moderator: Mr. Jean-Marie BYLL-CATARIA, former Executive Secretary of ADEA and member, Board of Directors of the Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative (GeSCI) Panelists:
13:00 - 14:00 |
Parallel Brown Bag Lunch Break |
Presentations by:
Presentations by:
Presentations by:
Presentations by:
Presentations by:
14:00 - 15:30 |
Plenary Session: Skills Development, Youth Employability, Entrepreneurship and Decent Work for all |
Storyline: The high rate of unemployment among the youth is one of the most pressing social, economic and political challenges facing Africa in the 21st century. Despite the strong growth performance of African economies the continent has been unable to create sufficient jobs to absorb young people graduating from schools and colleges. High rates of youth unemployment have become a structural problem on the continent and it is further complicated by demographic transition in the region characterized by the youth bulge. The current situation robs millions of the youth the opportunities to make their creative contributions to the development of the continent. The underutilization or complete lack of utilization of their productive potential is a huge economic loss to each African country. The key issues speakers will be expected to address include: (i) policy responses that have re-orientated education and training systems towards developing employable skills required by the labor market and the youth; (ii) programs and practices that have assisted the youth in learning new skills for successful transition from the classroom to the world of work; (iii) programs and practices that have encouraged job creation – broadening opportunities for young people to pursue transition into the world of entrepreneurship; (iv) strategies that have provided opportunities for women who are traditionally marginalized in the labor market, particularly in the non-agricultural sector: and (v) programs and practices that have supported the youth in learning new skills and launching start-ups. Objectives: The objective of the session is to share strategies and policy responses that have successfully address skills development, youth employability and entrepreneurship. Expected outcome: The expected outcome of the session is expression of commitment to implement appropriate policy responses and practices that have: (i) helped equip the youth with the kinds of skills the labor market needs; (ii) strengthened the capacity of the labor market to integrate the youth; (iii) facilitated the transition of the youth from the classroom to the world of work; (iv) provided out-of-school children another opportunity to learn and actualize their potential; and (v) mitigated the current threat to social cohesion posed by unemployment. |
Moderator: Mr. Mamadou TOURE, Founder and Chairman, Africa 2.0 Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Speakers:
15:30 - 16:45 |
Plenary Session: Adult Education and lifelong learning for all |
Storyline: The world is changing rapidly and becoming more complex as a result of technological changes, emergence of knowledge-based economies, demographic changes and globalization. There is a constant need to comprehend the world and adapt to change. The learning systems are also becoming more diversified. There is, therefore, a compelling need for the education and training systems in Africa to equip adults with critical workplace knowledge, skills and competencies; and promote a culture of learning among adults so they can adapt to the changing environment and technologies, and contribute to development. The discourse at this session will be expected to address the following questions, among others: (i) How can we implement strategies and polices for preparing the youth for lifelong learning and sustainable engagement in science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship in national, regional and global contexts; and (ii) What strategies, policies, methods and institutional environment have proved effective in supporting lifelong learning and sustainable development of the capacity of the youth and adults? Objective: Examine successful implementation strategies or programs that have responded to adult education and lifelong learning, their outcomes and possibilities of enhancing or replicating them. Expected outcome: A plan of action for a coherent education system that promotes: (i) lifelong learning through formal, non-formal and informal channels, (ii) increased investment in continuing skills and competence development, (iii) adoption of a global perspective that integrates the learner as a global citizen. |
Moderator: Ms. Aicha Bah DIALLO, Chairperson, Trust Africa, Former Chair Person of FAWE and former Adviser to UNESCO Director General. Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Speakers:
16:45 - 17:00 |
Health Break |
17:00 - 19:15 |
Parallel Sessions on Sub-Themes 1, 2 , 3 and 4 |
Storyline: The ADEA Triennale is a forum for the exchange of innovative ideas. It creates an opportunity for not only Ministers but also other education stakeholders to contribute to the generation of new ideas, knowledge and practices that will enhance and transform the education systems in Africa. Parallel sessions are therefore designed to provide individuals and organizations, who submitted interesting contributions showing what has succeeded, best practices and results from research, to present such vibrant and innovative knowledge. Furthermore, parallel sessions give every delegate an opportunity to voice their views, ideas and provide different perspectives. Objective: To enrich the discourse at the forum and showcase achievements and innovations in the implementation of education reforms that may be worth replicating elsewhere. Expected outcome: Rich and innovative contributions that will guide Ministers in adopting recommendations or a plan of action for effective implementation of the continental and global agendas. |
Group A - Sub-Theme 1: Implementing Education and Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development
Group A1 Moderator: Dr. Fred MATIANG’I, Hon. Cabinet Secretary for Education, Republic of Kenya Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Address: Prof Fred Muyia NAFUKHO: Making the case for Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development in Africa
Group A2 Moderator: Ms. Lily MULATU, Practice Manager, The World Bank Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Address: Swiss Development Cooperation (TBC) Presenters:
Group B - Sub-Theme 2: Promoting Science, Mathematics and Information and Communication Technology
Moderator: Hon Minister for Higher Educ. Scientific Research and Training, Morocco Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Address: Mr. Stephen M. Njoroge, Director, Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology education (CEMASTEA) Presenters:
Group C - Sub-Theme 3: Implementing Education for African Cultural Renaissance and Pan-African Ideals
Moderator: H.E, Mr. Mpinda SIMAO, Hon. Minister of Education, Angola Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Address: Dr. A. MOUSSA-IYE: Valuing Africa’s past in the curriculum and strengthening the teaching of history from an African perspective Presenters:
Group D - Sub-Theme 4: Building Peace and Global Citizenship through Education
Moderator: H.E. Mr. Florentin MOUSSAVOU, Hon. Minister of National Education and Civic Education, Gabon Rapporteur: TBD Keynote Address: Mrs. Bineta DIOP, African Union Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security Presenters: