The Fair will be held alongside the plenary and parallel sessions. Participants in the Fair will showcase their experiences through various types of presentations: publications, audio‐visual applications, demonstrations, story-telling etc. Daily ongoing presentations will be organized to share and promote meaningful best practices relevant to the prioritized needs of African countries in light of the theme of the Triennale.
Specific subject areas may include how to
- Promote regional and sub-regional cooperation in the areas of education and training;
- Demonstrate best practices of successful African education and training systems based on the real needs of the socio‐economic sectors;
- Explore the innovations in informal and non‐formal education and training;
- Address the challenge of access to education and training in the rural areas;
- Advocate the inclusion of women in the world of work as well as higher education and research;
- Develop and provide means of qualification for entrepreneurial skills;
- Explore alternate means of qualification through distance learning;
- Utilize multiple types of innovative technology ranging from mobile phones to computers;
- Provide means to network with international education stakeholders;
- Promote the development and enhance access to African research institutions;
- Introduce international and African models of sustainable development;
- Promote lifelong learning through interactive and distance learning programs;
- Enhance cultural identity and the promotion of indigenous knowledge;
- Build upon youth innovations in technology and entrepreneurship;
- Provide concrete examples of partnerships with the private sector;
- Use technology to gain common core skills to be an active citizen.
Who is expected to participate?
This Fair is open to all stakeholders in the development sector and seeks to include:
- Ministries of education, training, research, finance, employment, youth, environment etc.;
- Development agencies and organizations including Foundations;
- Regional economic communities and pan‐African organizations;
- Development partners including Foundations, NGOs and CSOs including youth associations, Private sector, African diaspora, etc.
Venue and Dates
The Fair will be held during the ADEA Triennale, from 13 to 17 February 2012, at The Ouaga 2000 International Conference Centre in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Criteria for selection
Once the proposals have been received they will be assessed and then either validated or rejected according to parameters that are explicit and transparent for all those involved. It is important that the criteria focus on the objectives and guiding principles of the process defined.
Summary description of the contribution
This consists in describing, in 10 lines, the objectives of the contribution and could include the following
- The motivation for participating (social, economic, cultural, institutional or political context). The positioning of the contribution with regard to the strategic and operational policies of the various partners
- Identification of policies and experience focused on the production of innovative theoretical and practical knowledge
- Sharing of experience in order to learn more to create synergies regarding cooperation and coordinated development, at both sub-regional or continental level, of efficient education and training systems
- Other objectives (specify)
This description will be used to re-group each contribution selected so as to place all similar themes together in order to encourage interaction, complementary themes and if possible the exchange of information between contributions working in the same thematic area.